Boldbrain: Here are the startups for the 2024 edition

The commission of experts selected the 20 projects that will participate in the 2024 edition of our accelerator for early-stage startups and innovative ideas Boldbrain Startup Challenge. The selection emerged from a total of 95 applications received, of which 61 were deemed suitable according to the criteria of the admission rules.
The names of the selected startups are, in alphabetical order:
Digital Fashion Academy
Digitalize in a Snap
Fusion Energy with the Polomac
HISOLab – MagRun & Medical Solutions Portfolio
In Virtuo Laboratories
Leather Tracking Tool
Lungs Life Jacket Telemedicine
Musivo OffiX – The third place
ReSportApp: Amateur Sports Reimagined
The heterogeneity of the submitted projects once again characterised the selection. The main sectors represented this year include ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), Medtech, Energy/Cleantech and Fintech/Insurance Tech. In addition to the diversity of the sectors, the selected startups also show considerable variety in their stage of development: six are already established as companies, six already have a prototype of their product and three are already active on the market, while one is in the selection phase at USI Startup Centre.
The composition of the participating teams is particularly interesting, with an average of three people per team and almost seventy participants expected for the 2024 edition. The number of Swiss projects is also significant: fifteen of the twenty startups come from Switzerland, eleven of them from the Canton of Ticino.
The first meeting for these twenty new entrepreneurial projects will be held on 29 August in the Auditorium of the Suglio Business Center in Manno, headquarters of the Fondazione Agire. The programme will include various meetings and events, culminating in the final Award Ceremony, which will be held on 4 December at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Lugano. On this occasion, only the ten finalists will have the opportunity to present their projects.