
Official launch of the Interreg MITICA initiative


Presentato MITICA, progetto Interreg a supporto delle MPMI

Micro and small enterprises are the backbone of the local economy, but to remain competitive, they must tackle the challenges of digitalization and innovation. With this goal in mind, MITICA (Modelli Innovativi di Trasferimento alle Imprese di Competenze Avanzate - Innovative Models for Transferring Advanced Skills to Companies) was created. The project, funded by the Interreg Italy–Switzerland Program, was officially presented this morning during a press conference. The initiative aims to strengthen the competitiveness of MSMEs in the cross-border area between the Province of Lecco and Canton Ticino, focusing on innovation, training, and skills development.

Coordinated by the Polo territoriale di Lecco - Politecnico di Milano and Fondazione Agire, MITICA involves the collaboration of Confartigianato Imprese Lecco, Confartigianato Lombardia, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, AITI - Associazione Industrie Ticinesi, and Ated-Associazione Ticinese Evoluzione Digitale.

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The MITICA Interreg project is an operation co-financed by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund, the Italian State (Fondo di Rotazione), the Swiss Confederation, and the Cantons, within the Interreg VI-A Italy–Switzerland Cooperation Program framework.

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